I teach with some amazing people!  I just had to share the anchor charts by friend made to go with my TPT Measure Me With What? activities.  I just loved them!  You can click on the chart to go to the activity.  Thanks for sharing these with us Heather!

I saw this on Pinterest last year and I had to pull it out when we had a few minutes to spare last week.  I gave the kids a huge pile of pompom balls.  They divided them into equal groups of five and created a "Fractionpillar" on a leaf they made.  As a class we made a list of all of the different colors and the kids filled out a chart to show what fraction they had of each color.  It fit in perfectly with our review the other day on the Butterfly Life Cycle!  They loved this activity!  If you need a quick fun activity, try this one out!

I just had to share these pictures I found on Pinterest.  I can spend hours and hours looking at everyone's ideas.  I am trying to get more organized not only at home, but school as well.  I have managed to get most of my teaching supplies into tubs, but I still have tons of other things I need to get ideas for.  Here are three great ideas that I am going to use next year.  It's never to early to start planning is it?
I'm going to organize my "I Can" statements this way. Right now I have them in a big tub, so this will be so much better!
Good-bye tubs or unorganized flashcards. What a great use for my extra binders!
This is going to be a great space saver for the kid's desks. I am also thinking that I could use this idea for class sets of chapter books!
Found this adorable book over the weekend and had to pull out an old standby project.  The book is called The Crunching Munching Caterpillar by Sheridan Cain.  I loved the top of the book where the caterpillar took a bite out of the book.  My kids loved it.  It is a cute story about a caterpillar that wants to learn to fly. You guessed it....  the life cycle of a caterpillar.  We did a unit on this already, but the kids enjoyed it and we got to review.  Here are the labels if you would like to use them.

My class will be taking the SAT 10 in a few short weeks.  I don't think anything makes a teacher more stressed than standardized testing time.  We work so hard with our little ones and we want them ace the test.  But at the end of the day, they are just little kids and so many things can ruin their morning before test time. I actually had a little one come in crying a few years ago on test day #1.  I asked her what was wrong.  Was she nervous about the test?  She looked up at me with big tears in her eyes and said, "Nervous about what test....  I didn't get to wear my blue shirt!".  This is the world we live in with little kids!  : )

So to try and get my little ones as ready as possible I made this math review packet.  Then I got a message from someone that bought the math packet and asked if I was making a language arts one.  So needless to say, I got right to work.  You can take a look at either of them by clicking on the pictures.

I wish everyone the best of luck if they are getting ready to test!  May all those little pencils find the answers!


Math Review Packet

If you haven't played BUMP with your kids, you have to try it!  My kiddos love this game and I just made a spring theme one for us to use.  You can download it for FREE in my TPT store.  Just click on the picture and it will take you there.  ENJOY!
No matter how many times we review, we can always do it again.  Here is a picture of the review flip books we made a little while ago.  We took a large white index card and folded it to make the book.  On the outside cover we labeled it with four different ways to write a number - words, base ten blocks, numbers, expanded form.  I did a sample for the kids to "refresh" their memories and then they got to pick any number they wanted to use to complete the book.  They have to use the same number for the whole book.  Here is a picture of the finished books.  I just had to hang them up because they looked so good.  
Well the flu finally hit my classroom.  In a few short days it seemed to knock out most of the kids and then with a THUD down came the teacher.  One minute I was hanging paper in the hallway and the next minute I was about to faint.  So four prescriptions later I am finally feeling better a week later.  

While I was sick I had to travel to Nashville, TN for my first Common Core training.  It was simply amazing!  I had no idea that I would learn so much.  I have been working on some new things for my kids from the material that I learned.  As soon as I finish I will load  them on the blog as freebies, so please check back in a few days!

We took our Discovery test this week.  I have two friends that are still struggling with the skip counting by 5s and 10s.  I think I have tried everything including standing on my head to get them understand the concept.  So I decided to make a unit just for them.  It's called The Counting Monster and I am so hopeful it will help them finally understand that 10 more than 36 is 46.  My fingers are crossed.  I figured it would be a fun review for the whole class, since this is the week before Spring Vacation!

It has Anchor Charts, which I LOVE!
Lots of Games, which the kids LOVE!
Click on any of the pages to go to my TPT store, so you can check it out!
A found a really cute second grade blog.  To celebrate her reaching the milestone of 100 followers, she is have a HUGE giveaway of amazing TPT products.  She has one for each grade K-3.  Here is the web address:


Go check it out.  She has really cute things!