My class will be taking the SAT 10 in a few short weeks.  I don't think anything makes a teacher more stressed than standardized testing time.  We work so hard with our little ones and we want them ace the test.  But at the end of the day, they are just little kids and so many things can ruin their morning before test time. I actually had a little one come in crying a few years ago on test day #1.  I asked her what was wrong.  Was she nervous about the test?  She looked up at me with big tears in her eyes and said, "Nervous about what test....  I didn't get to wear my blue shirt!".  This is the world we live in with little kids!  : )

So to try and get my little ones as ready as possible I made this math review packet.  Then I got a message from someone that bought the math packet and asked if I was making a language arts one.  So needless to say, I got right to work.  You can take a look at either of them by clicking on the pictures.

I wish everyone the best of luck if they are getting ready to test!  May all those little pencils find the answers!


Math Review Packet

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